Dark COVID-19 Dashboard
Fresh report with some new interesting visualization features. More details in this post
It can be useful for somebody interested in COVID-19 data visualization.
Last update: June 2020

Classic Contoso Management Dashboard
This report was inspired by Sam McKay’s awesome Management Dashboard.
It was created in March 2018 for the local Power BI event in the Microsoft Ukraine office.
The dashboard contains a lot of different (at that time – the latest and greatest) functionality in terms of UI/UX – just click the info icon at the top to see more.
It still can be useful for educational purposes.
Last update: March 2018

Quick CRM Dashboard
This report was created as a test task for one of the potential employers. Later, I added some new stuff there and translated it into English.
You can review a bunch of KPIs, look at dynamics, seasonality, customer churn, etc.
Nothing special – just must-have information for any descriptive analytics report.
Last update: September 2018

Iris + Titanic
Yes. It is just the two classic ML datasets inside Power BI. I only added a few graphs with different view perspectives.
Important note – most of the visuals are not visible in the “Publish to web” mode, so feel free to download the file
It can be useful for somebody who wants to practice in Python or R inside the Power BI ecosystem or try some Azure ML stuff.
Last update: May 2020